God is creative. His creation is saturated with the expression of his creativity. Whether it’s the stars in the sky, the mountains, the oceans, the animals, or the complexity and detail of the human body, you can’t escape the reality that the creator is creative—and I would be willing to bet that we’ve only scratched the surface with what has been discovered.
In the book of Colossians we see that all things have been created by Jesus (Col. 1:16), that the fullness of the deity lives in Christ (Col. 1:19), and that Christ lives in us (Col. 1:27).
Let that sink in.
The same mind that thought of the stars and the same power that breathed them into existence is residing within you. He has given you full access to know him, and he wants you to give him full access to express himself through you. It’s a beautiful partnership.
How vastly different our world would look right now if believers in Christ would allow the creativity of heaven to flow through us. After all, God is not limited to work within the boundaries of what we see with our natural eyes. He wants to create a new reality, and his plan has always been to use us to do it.
I read a story recently about how George Washington Carver used to take long walks in the woods as he talked to God. At the time, he was a young inventor who had convinced some farmers to use their valuable land to plant peanuts instead of cotton. It wasn’t long before the farmers came to him in distress as they realized there wasn’t a market for their peanuts, and that the peanuts were rotting in the fields. Feeling the pressure, Carver turned to God and asked, “Mr. Creator, why did you create the peanut?” God answered and went on to show Carver over 200 different uses for a simple peanut.
It all started with a question. A persistent and available man tapped into the creativity of God and experienced astounding results. It’s exciting to think that the same invitation has been set before us today. May we be as curious, persistent, and available.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7