Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Freedom and Hidden Treasure

I could tell something was wrong from the look in her eyes. Ashley had just rushed into the kitchen and was standing before me pleading for help. “Wow”, I thought to myself, “This isn’t good.”

She went on to explain that a bird was stuck in our garage. After breathing a sigh of relief, I put on my man-face and confidently strutted to the garage assuring her I would take care of it.

I spent the next twenty minutes chasing this bird from one side of the garage to the next, trying to help the flustered creature find freedom.  Every time I got remotely close, it would take to flight again only to smash into the opposite wall and plummet back to the ground. It was frustrating to watch it desperately flee from the very thing trying to help. The bird’s lack of trust in me only prolonged its captivity.

By now, Ashley was standing on the stairs watching and ducking for cover anytime the bird flew within ten feet of her. I eventually convinced her to pick up a rake and help, and she actually led/scared the bird to freedom--but, not without a few screams of her own!

At one point during my futile attempts, I even tried talking to the bird: “It will be a lot less painful if you simply trust me to help you. I want to set you free.” Those words sounded familiar.  Ten years ago, I sensed God saying something quite similar to me as I was broken, hurting, and lost. Even in the midst of my pain, I didn’t give God the time of day. I bolted from the one who offered help, and it surely prolonged my captivity.

As I look back on those years, I shake my head in disbelief that I could be so ignorant. I had no idea how good God is. His kindness is immeasurable. I had no clue how rich of a life Christ offers those who come to him. His heart oozes love, and he truly wants the best for us.

I’ve come a long way in trusting his goodness, but I certainly haven’t arrived. There are still times when I think I know what’s best. God smiles and patiently waits for me to realize the truth, and I soon return asking for his forgiveness. As challenging as it can be to trust, I never tire of discovering the hidden goodness in God’s plans. Sometimes the greatest treasure is buried beneath something that seems nearly impossible to do or give up.

It's part of what makes life wildly exciting...and maybe a little scary.

Happy digging.