Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mysterious Journey, Mysterious Guide

I have been reflecting lately about how life is hardly a straight and clear path. The journey we all find ourselves on is unique to us, but it's similar in the aspect that it's relatively mysterious. I suppose that's because God has a mysterious side. Sure, God wants to be known. He invites us to discover who he is. His heartbeat is for us to experience his goodness and enjoy the blessing of relationship with him. One of the greatest invitations in the Bible is to, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 37:4) But, he's mysterious in the sense that we can't fully understand him or his ways. After all, "his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts." (Isaiah 55).

I am trying to become more organized so I recently did something that I have never done before...I bought a planner. As I went to Wal Mart to survey their selection, I was surprised to find that every single planner was either pink or had bright colored flowers on the cover. I thought to myself, "Guys must not buy planners." I eventually found a "manly planner", and I've actually enjoyed the planning process.

Now I'm quick to put my future appointments and plans on paper, but do I really know what is "around the corner" in life? Do I really know what God has planned for the days ahead? I believe God is doing so much more on a daily basis than will ever show up on a calendar. He is secretly aligning things for my benefit, and for his.

As I look at my calendar, my days look pretty ordinary. It's easy for me to fall into the pattern of grouping days together and losing my sense of anticipation for God to do something unexpected. We must not forget that God is an extraordinary God, and he is often working behind the scenes. Similar to a submarine being repositioned below the surface of the waters, God is positioning himself for what he knows is coming--and he wants to show you what he's doing. I have been "leaning in" recently to find out what he is really up to on a daily basis, and now I'm hooked...And intrigued...And excited.

Psalm 127 states, "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain." My prayer lately has been, "God, what are you building today and how can I cooperate?" He loves to answer that simple prayer. He delights when we lift our eyes from the ordinary work before us and find out what he's up to. His passion is to be involved in the details of our lives. Seriously. Try and think of one detail in your life that God is not interested in. He cares about what you care about, and he wants you to care about what he cares about. Eventually, his desire is to merge the two so you share the same heartbeat. Isn't that a beautiful process?

This certainly doesn't happen overnight. It's a daily process of being "alert and aware" (1 Peter 5) of God. Fight the urge to look at today as just another ordinary day. Ask God to surprise you. Actively look for his fingerprints today. Ask him to open your eyes to truly see. Invite him to open your ears so you begin to hear beyond the rackety noise of this world. Trust me, it's good.

Days will continue to come and go. The sun will rise and the sun will set. The path that we all find ourselves on will continue to twist and turn and disappear around the corner. But, aren't you glad? Aren't you thankful that life is not a boring "stroll in the park"? If it were, who would need a guide? If we didn't need a guide we would miss out on our greatest purpose in life--knowing the guide.

"He (Jesus) calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice." John 10:3-4


Steve said...

Gabe -- very insightful. I'm loving your thoughts. There's PS 127 again! You hit the nail right on the head when you stated: "Aren't you thankful that life is not a boring "stroll in the park"? If it were, who would need a guide?" That last line on needing a guide is very rich. As I read your comments, I though of John 5:17 when Jesus says that He and the Father are always at work. That's encouraging yet sometimes disheartening. Sometimes, I am just looking to take it easy and enjoy a "stroll in the park" with my days. But no, there goes God again, "always working" -- changing, shaping, molding my character.

Gabe Jenkins said...

Thanks, Steve. You're in good hands, my friend. He will lead you well.