Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hand In Hand

I broke up with a girl in 6th grade because she tried to hold my hand. It made me very uncomfortable. We weren't supposed to hold hands. 6th grade dating code states that you simply call each other boyfriend/girlfriend, but that you rarely talk to one another, much less hold hands. What was she thinking?!?! When I felt her hand reach over and grab mine, I decided to run for the hills (aka-send a friend to communicate that the relationship was now over). I just wanted to call her my girlfriend without having to really get to know her. When I was twenty, I found myself wanting to call Jesus my LORD without having to take his hand and walk where he was going. I wanted the Christian title without the actual relationship. When I felt him reaching for my hand, I ran for the hills (or to the bars).

Thankfully, I have gotten over my fear of holding hands with a female. One of my favorite things to do is walk hand in hand with my wife. I also love when Avery reaches up and grabs my hand. It's hard to find words that describe the joy of her little fingers reaching for mine. Most importantly, I have since developed a deep love for the God I once ran from. I have come to appreciate his reach as he takes hold of my hand to lead me. To comfort me. To simply remind me of his presence.

Sometimes it's hard for men to picture Jesus holding our hand and leading us. We like to think of ourselves as independent. We sometimes think we can handle everything ourselves. I know that thought process all too well. At the same time, I know that in order to follow where Jesus is leading, into deep and dangerous waters, I desperately need him to walk beside me. I need him to reassure me. The path will twist and turn and lead us to places we would never go alone. There will be set backs. There will be heart ache. There will be valleys and mountain tops. And when we think we can't take anymore, he'll whisper to us, "We're just beginning." There will be times when he says to speed up. There will be times when he says to slow down. And yet, there will be other times when he says to wait. The truth is that we were never meant to walk alone. Our hand was designed to fit into his. For if we walk alone, we will get eaten alive. We will turn back in fear or discouragement. Or even worse, we will never even set out on the journey. We will die in shallow waters with sun-burned backs without ever experiencing the Promise Land. You see, life is a wonderful and mysterious journey. It's a fierce battle. It's a grand story. Thankfully the God who formed Pikes Peak is walking beside us, holding our hand. Or better yet, carrying us close to his heart.

He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11

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