Friday, April 17, 2009


Boredom and Christianity don't mix. Or, I guess I should say they shouldn't mix. As I minister to kids I am worried about the number of kids who are bored with God and church. I believe that the answer to this problem is not found in increasing the entertainment value found in a particular church service. Even if we held church at Disney World for the next year, I am confident that kids would eventually still be bored. They are bored because they lack vision, purpose and a mission. Following Christ is certainly not a spectator sport. I admit that I get bored with God sometimes. Over the course of my walk with Christ, I have had to admit numerous times that I was bored with Him. It was then that he gently corrected me and revealed that I was not following Him closely enough. I was missing out on the mission and vision that He has for me. When I am truly following Christ, the last thing on my mind is being bored. I am learning that boredom is a symptom that something is wrong and it's always an issue on MY end. God is patient. So, kids need far more than an entertaining church service. They need a mission. They need purpose. They need vision. They have been called to walk with an adventurous, wild and free God who cannot be tamed. Yes, the same God who wrestled Jacob, parted the Red Sea, and was nailed to a cross at Calvary. Let us all walk closer and hear His heartbeat. It is then that boredom will be a distant memory. I am sure of it.

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