Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Distraction Trap

It's amazing how much we see God in our daily life when we're not distracted. In fact, this is what God created us for. He wants us to enjoy Him and walk with him day by day and moment by moment. He has far more to show us and speak to us than we give Him credit for. I can't speak for you, but I am easily distracted. Or I should say, I have been easily distracted in the past. I am making great progress with extreme intentionality toward this area of my life. It's a battle. It's a fight. It's a daily process for me to set my mind on Christ and enjoy Him.

A couple years ago I was sitting on a rock in the Garden of the Gods park overlooking the incredibly majestic Pikes Peak. The sun was setting behind the mountains, and the view was incredible. It was peaceful. It was serene. It was relaxing. It get the point. As I sat there enjoying the view, a pesky little fly began to fly around my head. My eyes shifted from the glistening Peak to this dirty little fly. I watched this fly for quite some time. Eventually, it landed by my hand and I continued to stare at it. It was in that moment when God revealed that I live much of my life like that. I take my eyes off the incredible "view" that God has set before me, and I become distracted by things that don't matter. I had a choice to either enjoy the sun drenched rocks and the rugged mountains or watch a fly sit on a rock. For some odd reason, I chose the fly. I was missing what God had for me because I was simply distracted.

I truly believe that Jesus gives us abundant life on a daily basis, but that we often miss it. I believe that our joy is stolen because we allow our minds to wander and meditate on the worries of life. God is leading us to "taste and see that the LORD is good." We will all experience this in greater measure as we train ourselves to be alert. I want to invite you to join me in a daily challenge. As you wake up in the morning, commit to living with a clear mind and a clear heart. Give the details of your life to God. Trust him to work out the "little things" that we all spend too much time thinking about. And finally, be observant to all of the ways that God is communicating to you. Walk with Him day by day and moment by moment. The results will speak for themselves.

1 comment:

Photographics said...

I was doing a Google search on how we miss God by being distracted and this was just what I needed! Thank you for sharing it...