Monday, May 30, 2011

Sing Hallelulah

Our second daughter, Sophie Elizabeth Jenkins, was born last Thursday afternoon. Words can't describe the joy I experienced the moment I first saw her. I may be biased, but she is so beautiful!

As I held my new daughter for the first time, and my eyes surveyed her newborn skin and dark hair, I began to think about God's wonderful plans for her. Sophie's life is a story that is just beginning. God is holding the pen, and I'm confident He will tell one grand story through her. That's one of my favorite aspects of God--He's an amazing author. He always has been and always will be.

My prayer for Sophie is that she'll be aware of the story that is unfolding around her on a daily basis. It truly is a love story--a passionate love story between the Creator of the Universe and this 6 lb 14 ounce beauty. How fun it will be to watch this play out. I think she's off to a good start...

Here's a video of Sophie's story so far.

1 comment:

Steph Shaw said...

Welcome precious Sophie Elizabeth! Your auntie loves you so much!