Thursday, November 15, 2012

Surprised By Goodness

There was a time in my life when I was convinced I would never allow sushi to touch my lips. To be honest, I didn’t even know what sushi was until five or six years ago.  I was utterly perplexed when I discovered that people actually pay money in order to consume raw fish. It sounded more like an appropriate method of extracting information from terrorists than the centerpiece of a romantic meal.
Bear in mind that I grew up in Western Kansas, a place where beef is king. I am--and always will be-- a proud carnivore.  This is why I cringed when another couple recently invited Ashley and I on a double date to a local sushi restaurant. Their company would be very enjoyable, but I was prepared for the food to be hard to swallow.

From the moment we walked in the front door, my buddy began raving about how delicious the food would be. He specifically said, “Gabe, this food will melt in your mouth.  Once you actually taste it, you’ll be hooked for life.” While his passion for sushi created a mild level of curiosity, I still had no real interest in allowing raw fish to come anywhere near my taste buds.  

My plan was to take small bites and not think about what I was eating. With this in mind, I cut off my first piece and slowly lifted it to my mouth—trying hard to avoid using three of my five senses.   It wasn’t what I thought it would be. Not only was it bearable, but it was quite good. I looked across the table and said, “This is surprisingly delicious!”
Tasting sushi goodness required me to get past my preconceived ideas and actually experience it for myself. Isn’t this similar to what’s required for experiencing the goodness of God? We have to set aside our preconceived God notions and demonstrate a willingness to “taste and see” for ourselves.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 34:8: “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” What a wonderful invitation. God doesn’t force Himself on us, but He invites us to come closer and discover that He’s not what we imagined. He’s far more personal. He’s deeply kind. His love is immeasurable. 
Despite anything you’ve done, the invitation stands for you. God opens His arms and says, Come to the waters and experience my goodness. Let me satisfy you with what your soul really desires. (Isaiah 55)

I’m simply saying, “Once you actually taste it, you’ll be hooked for life.”

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